for you to take advantage of the special early bird discounts on all our retreats! So I advise you to get in touch and book now… October 29 Photography with Rosa Frei January 09 Writing with Jan Cornall January 24 Writing with Linda Cracknell February 14 Berber Arts with Rosemary Betterton It takes a bit… Continue reading time is running out…
Author: Karen Hadfield
August news…
Welcome to the Cafe Tissardmine news in August… The men in the desert are bravely bearing the heat and Ramadan whilst I am freezing in melbourne…its good to be back but wish it was warmer…I’m heading back to the desert soon as we open up after the summer break in Mid September and shortly after… Continue reading August news…
July news…
Time to get moving… So, the time has come to book in for your stay at Cafe Tissardmine and join one of our creative retreats in creative writing, photography and Berber culture…there are several courses to on offer and if you book before August 31 2013, you will receive 10% off the published price. Photography Rosa… Continue reading July news…
The World Responsible Travel Awards are now open for nominations so here is your chance to nominate Cafe Tissardmine in one of the categories (see below) – the choice is yours, but as a guide I would think that categories 1, 5, 6 and 7 (if you have a great photo to share…) are most… Continue reading APRIL NEWS…
March news…part one
It has been a busy month but the most important news is that the new pump for the village well is now installed and working a treat. I want to thank all those who contributed to the project and especially my father Ian Hadfield who coordinated the fundraising and Don Hayward who helped research the… Continue reading March news…part one
February News…
I cannot believe we are already nearly at the end of February, and I am guessing I am not alone in that opinion… It has been a glorious winter at Tissardmine, quite mild but have to say the ugg boots came in handy at night. I am in the throes of finalising the programme for… Continue reading February News…
writing retreat at Cafe Tissardmine with Jan Cornall
A picture paints a thousand words…and if I could change the size of the pictures you would see more of them…but here’s a start …
Reflections of an artist
CAFE TISSARDMINE Yannick Charron Café Tissardmine, c’est un lieu d’accueil dans un oasis face au désert. A l’arrivée, une fois posés mes bagages et m’être délestée de l’inutile, je me suis laissée aller tranquillement à vivre au rythme des jours lumineux et  aux nuits à la magnifique voûte étoilée. J’ai suivi la lumière qui effleure… Continue reading Reflections of an artist
Yannick Charron Artist in Residence at Cafe Tissardmine 2012/2013
January News
A very happy new year to everyone who reads this! It’s been a lot of comings and goings at Tissardmine, Visual artist Yannick Charron, came as artist in residence for a week and created some beautiful work in response to the changing colours and moods of the land over the course of a day. Using… Continue reading January News