Main news…discounts available for our writing retreats with Linda Cracknell, October 25 – November 02 and Jan Cornall November 06 – 18. These retreats include stays in Fes, Marrakech and Tissardmine and if that doesn’t inspire you enough then maybe the work of our two leaders will or see our retreat pages for more detail.
I farewelled the desert a couple of months ago, leaving my friends sweltering in the over 50 degree temperatures; there is always a part of me that feels rather traitorous as I abandon them and head to coolers climes but I think I would wither and die if I stayed – especially as the month of Ramadan would mean not drinking water during the daylight hours…I spoke with Youssef on the phone to ask how he was, he said it is difficult during Ramadan but it makes you stronger and the water tasted sweeter when you do get to drink once the sun has gone down. There is an appreciation for all those things one takes for granted. I take my hat off to them for dealing with such temperature extremes in such a philosophical, uncomplaining fashion.
So, here I am in Melbourne – another extreme! this time very, very cold…where is my happy medium!
Cafe Tissardmine re-opens in September, but if you are passing by in the month of August, do drop in and say hello – the teapot is always on the stove…