Time to talk all things Tissardmine.
Project 1: Last year we began to build our own community centre. With the help of funds from various sources including foreign NGO’s and surplus funds from the Friends of  Tissardmine that were collected to pay for the new solar pump for the village well, the village, including the kids, turned out to start work to make a new solar powered centre that in the future can be used for a variety of activities and village business.
The foundations are dug,
the sign is up                     the kids collected sand
The flag is flying as the first layer of wall is built
A few months later and the roof is going on
We are aiming for the main building to be completed by the end of this month when the organisation, Coeurs du Gazelles arrives to our village bringing doctors, optometrists and dentists to conduct clinics at Cafe Tissardmine for the villagers and surrounding inhabitants. The centre will be used that day as a temporary pharmacy.
Project 2: A group of Spanish volunteers arrived, and with the help of the students, painted murals on the walls of the school
Project 3: with Carlos Marin, we built a dune barrier to start a study on the movement of sand and desert creep. You can follow the work of Carlos here Marsad Drâa because he has so many ideas and his love of the desert in general and our place in particular deserves following…
Project 4: plastic bottles – the bane of our lives that cause unsightly pollution (what pollution is ever sightly?) so we are recycling them into building blocks – fill them with sand and stack ’em up – the process also uses less water than traditional methods so all is good. Here is just the start…
Project 5: whatever you can dream up to help improve, enlighten or educate our village we want to talk to you. Seriously.